At Eden Children's Centre (formerly known as "Autism Children’s Centre"), we provide early intervention programmes for preschoolers age 2 to 7 years who have been diagnosed with autism.


Our Mission

We equip our preschoolers on the autism spectrum with relevant skills to be ready for school settings.


Our Vision

To become a leading, relevant and trusted service provider in early intervention for children on the autism spectrum and their families.


Our Guiding Principles

We are continually guided by principles of meaningfulness, dignity, independence and safety in all that we do. We advocate caregiver-parent collaboration and joyful learning as essential components for successful long-term outcomes for our children, and support the learning styles of children on the autism spectrum, with key relevant strategies and evidence-based practices.


Our Programme

An Individualised Education Programme (IEP) is developed for each child based on an assessment of their needs. Goals setting and progress reviews are conducted every semester for each child, and recommendations are discussed with parents so that each child progresses with the integrated understanding of caregivers and educators. Our IEP incorporates Applied Behaviour Analysis strategies and Structured Teaching principles applied in the following areas: 

  • Language & Communication Skills
  • Cognitive & Visual Skills
  • Behavioural & Self-Regulation Skills
  • Gross & Fine Motor Skills
  • Social Interaction & Play Skills
  • Pre-Academic Skills

Each intervention session is a combination of one-to-one teaching, small-group learning and big-group activities. The sessions are also supported by our speech and occupational therapists. Caregivers are highly encouraged to participate in our teaching sessions so as to be able to generalise their child’s learning in the home environment.


Session Timings are as follows:

Monday & Tuesday 9.00am - 12.00pm
1.30pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9.00am - 11.00am
11.30am - 1.30pm


Our Eden Children’s Centre operates on a forty-week school year and follows the regular school holidays prescribed by the Ministry of Education. There is no replacement for sessions that fall on public holidays.

Caregivers are responsible for arranging the child’s transport to and from the Centre and are expected to be present with the child during sessions in the first six months.


Admission Criteria

  • The child must be clinically diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or suspected ASD
  • The child must be between 2 to 5 years old in the year of enrolment
  • At least one parent of the child must be a registered member of AA(S)
  • Both parents and the child must be Singaporeans or Permanent Residents. For PR applicants, either a parent or sibling of the child must be a Singapore Citizen
  • The child must not be already attending another intervention programme funded by the National Council of Social Service or Ministry of Social and Family Development



Enrolment Process

The process typically begins with a medical screening at a hospital (community or private) or a psychologist. The diagnosis need not be completed at the point of enrolment. However, the results of the initial medical screening must reflect ASD or suspected ASD in order for the case to be referred to us through an intermediary agency, SG Enable.

Upon receiving an application, SG Enable will contact the parents and refer the case to their Centre of choice. The Centre’s Social Workers will then contact the parents to conduct an Initial Social Assessment, and to advise on the estimated waiting time and Programme fees. When a placement becomes available, the Centre will contact the parents for a Needs Assessment, prior to enrolment. 


Sibling Priority

Whilst the sibling of a child who is already listed in the current year intake of Eden School, Adult Centre or Children Centre, is given priority for enrolment, we do not guarantee placements for applicants and endeavour to do our best for available enrolments. Siblings of our existing students are still required to fulfil the above admission criteria and all enrolments are subject to available intakes for the year.



Programme fees are means-tested and will be calculated prior to enrolment, after the receipt of required documentation.

Please visit SGEnable for more information